Desc: 1.00(k)
Currency: Norwegian krone (100o=1k=1kr)
Numerical sorting value: 6000
Equivalent denoms: 1,00(k) (8), 1.00kr (4), 100(o) (14), 100o (2), 1kr (19)
Unused: 1k
Users of this denom: Norway (30 stamps, 1970-1980)
Used by 30 stamps of Norway: (See all uses as list)
6/23/1970 1.00(k) bl issue=Bergen 900th d=ships perf=13
5/6/1972 1.00(k) issue=posthorn stamp 100th perf=12
2/28/1973 1.00(k) issue=leprosy bacillus discovery 100th
4/30/1973 1.00(k) issue=Europa 1973 perf=13
7/2/1973 1.00(k) orgbrn&redlil issue=Olav V 70th d=Olav V (1973) perf=13
8/22/1973 1.00(k) carbrn issue=Jacob Aall 200th d=Jacob Aall perf=13
10/9/1973 1.00(k) dt=Lapland crafts d=textile
11/15/1973 1.00(k) dt=flowers (1973 Norway) d=Phyllodoce coerulea
12/14/1973 1.00(k) red issue=Norwegian Geographical Survey 200th d=surveyor 1907
4/25/1974 1.00(k) brnol dt=scenery (1974) d=Lindesnes Cape
5/21/1974 1.00(k) dt=paintings (1974 Norway) d=by Tidemand&Gude perf=13
6/21/1974 1.00(k) issue=National Code 700th d=page perf=13
8/12/1974 1.00(k) issue=worker safety
9/4/1974 1.00(k) dt=Norwegian geologists d=Kjerulf
10/9/1974 1.00(k) issue=UPU 100th
1/15/1975 1.00(k) brnred&dkgrn dt=skiing (1975) d=woman skiier 1900
4/17/1975 1.00(k) dkyelgrn issue=Architectural Heritage Year perf=13
8/14/1975 1.00(k) ol issue=Spitsbergen union 50th perf=13
11/14/1975 1.00(k) issue=Christmas 1975
2/25/1976 1.00(k) dt=folk dances (1976 Norway) d=Springar Hordaland perf=13.25
5/20/1976 1.00(k) dt=scenery (1976) d=Pulpit, Lyse Fjord perf=13
6/1/1977 1.00(k) dkol dt=trees (1977) d=spruce perf=13
6/22/1977 1.00(k) dkbrnol dt=coastal ships d=Paddle steamer Constitutionen in Arendal Harbor
4/12/1978 1.00(k) dkgrn issue=1978 d=Austrått
6/1/1978 1.00(k) dt=scenery (1978) d=Lenangstindene perf=13
10/6/1978 1.00(k) dkblgrn dt=musical instruments (1978 Norway) d=seljefløyte
3/2/1979 1.00(k) issue=ski competition 100th perf=13.5x13
6/13/1979 1.00(k) dt=scenery (1979) d=road to Briksdal glacier perf=13.25x13
11/22/1979 1.00(k) dt=mountain flowers (1979) d=flekkmure Potentilla crantzii
11/14/1980 1.00(k) dt=mountain flowers (1979) d=steinnype Rosa canina