Desc: 90(pf)
Currency: Deutsche Mark (100pfg=100pf=1dm)
Numerical sorting value: 5400
Users of this denom: Germany (14 stamps, 1952-1988)
Used by 14 stamps of Germany: (See all uses as list)
4/16/1952 90(pf) issue=posthorn d=posthorn (1951)
1/31/1954 90(pf) dpgrn issue=1954 Heuss d=Theodor Heuss
6/1957 90(pf) blgrn issue=1956 Heuss d=Heuss (1956) wmk=DBP
8/3/1964 90(pf) ol issue=1961 dt=famous Germans d=Franz Oppenheimer wmk=DBP & rosettes
6/15/1966 90(pf) blk issue=1966a dt=architecture (1966) d=Zschokke womens seminary Königsberg
1/7/1971 90(pf) mag issue=1970 d=Heinemann
4/17/1974 90(pf) dkbrncar issue=Kant 250th d=Kant (1974)
2/16/1977 90(pf) issue=Art Nouveau in Germany 75th d=Chair ornament
7/13/1978 90(pf) issue=Janusz Korczak 100th d=Janusz Korczak (1978)
1/11/1979 90(pf) viobl issue=1977 dt=castles (1977 Germany) d=Burg Vischering
11/14/1979 90(pf) issue=Paul Klee 100th d=Bird Garden Paul Klee 1879-1940
7/10/1980 90(pf) d=oscillogram pulses
7/16/1981 90(pf) issue=cooperation 3rd world
8/11/1988 90(pf) issue=1987 dt=tourist attractions d=Bronzekanne Reinheim
All are perf=14