Desc: 400r
Currency: Mozambican real (1000r=1m)
Numerical sorting value: 24000
Users of this denom: Inhambane (3 stamps, 1903-1917), Lourenco Marques (9 stamps, 1902-1916), Mozambique (11 stamps, 1902-1920), Mozambique Company (4 stamps, 1904-1911), Nyassa (1 stamp, 1911), Zambezia (9 stamps, 1898-1917)
Used by 37 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Zambezia 1898 400r issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898)
Mozambique 1902 400r yelgrn issue=1902b d=King Carlos (1893) oc=blk on=1894-80r perf=11.5
Lourenco Marques 1902 400r brn pc=yel issue=1902 d=King Carlos (1893) oc=blk on=1894-100r
Lourenco Marques 1902 400r ltbl issue=1902 d=King Carlos (1893) oc=blk on=1894-50r
Lourenco Marques 1902 400r rose issue=1902 d=King Carlos (1893) oc=blk on=1894-75r
Zambezia 1902 400r ltbl issue=1902a provisional d=King Carlos (1893) oc=blk on=1894-50r
Zambezia 1902 400r dkbl issue=1902a provisional d=King Carlos (1893) oc=blk on=1894-200r
Zambezia 1902 400r brn issue=1902a provisional d=King Carlos (1893) oc=blk on=1894-100r
Mozambique 1902 400r ltultra issue=1902b d=King Carlos (1893) oc=blk on=1894-50r perf=11.5
Mozambique 1902 400r grn issue=1902a d=King Luís I (1886) oc=blk on=1886-10r-grn perf=12.5
Mozambique 1902 400r yelbrn issue=1902a d=King Luís I (1886) oc=blk on=1886-100r perf=12.5
Mozambique 1902 400r dkbl pc=org issue=1902b d=King Carlos (1893) oc=blk on=1894-300r perf=11.5
Lourenco Marques 1903 400r dlbl issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898)
Mozambique 1903 400r dlbl issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898) perf=11.5
Inhambane 1/1/1903 400r dlbl pc=straw d=King Carlos (1898)
Mozambique Company 1904 400r brn issue=1895 d=arms of Mozambique Company perf=11.5
Mozambique Company 1907 400r bl issue=1895 d=arms of Mozambique Company perf=11.5
Nyassa 1911 400r issue=1911 ovpt=REPUBLICA oc=blk on=400r-unissued
Zambezia 1911 400r issue=1911 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(serifs) oc=blk on=issue=1898-400r
Mozambique Company 1911 400r bl issue=1911b ovpt=REPUBLICA(up) oc=blk on=400r-bl
Mozambique Company 1911 400r bl issue=1911a d=arms of Mozambique Company ovpt=REPUBLICA(down) oc=blk on=400r-bl perf=11.5
Inhambane 1911 400r dlbl pc=straw d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(serifs) oc=car on=400r-dlbl
Mozambique 1911 400r dlbl issue=1911 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA oc=blk on=issue=1898-400r-dlbl perf=11.5
Lourenco Marques 1911 400r dlbl issue=1911 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(serifs) oc=blk on=issue=1898-400r
Lourenco Marques 1914 400r rose issue=1914 d=King Carlos (1893) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=car on=1902-400r
Lourenco Marques 1914 400r ltbl issue=1914 d=King Carlos (1893) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=car on=1902-400r
Lourenco Marques 1914 400r brn pc=yel issue=1914 d=King Carlos (1893) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=car on=1902-400r
Zambezia 1914 400r brn d=King Carlos (1893) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=blk on=1902-400r
Zambezia 1914 400r dkbl d=King Carlos (1893) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=blk on=1902-400r
Zambezia 1914 400r ltbl d=King Carlos (1893) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=blk on=1902-400r
Lourenco Marques 1916 400r dlbl issue=1914 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=car on=issue=1898-400r
Mozambique 1917 400r dlbl issue=1917 ovpt=REPUBLICA block oc=blk on=400r-dlbl
Inhambane 1917 400r dlbl pc=straw d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=blk on=1903-400r-dlbl
Zambezia 1917 400r issue=1917 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=blk on=issue=1898-400r
Mozambique 1920 400r yelgrn d=King Carlos (1893) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=blk on=1894-80r perf=11.5
Mozambique 1920 400r ltultra d=King Carlos (1893) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=blk on=1894-50r perf=11.5
Mozambique 1920 400r dkbl pc=org d=King Carlos (1893) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=blk on=1894-300r perf=11.5