Desc: 500fr
Currency: Central African CFA franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 3000000
Users of this denom: Cameroun (57 stamps, 1953-2015), Central African Republic (197 stamps, 1960-2019), Chad (150 stamps, 1961-2013), Republic of the Congo (82 stamps, 1961-2008), Equatorial Guinea (53 stamps, 1991-2009), Gabon (107 stamps, 1962-2015)
Used by 646 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Cameroun airmail 2/16/1953 500fr d=Humsiki Peak
Central African Republic airmail 9/3/1960 500fr dt=birds (1960 Central Africa)
Chad airmail 1961 500fr issue=1961 air d=Nubian carmine bee-eater
Republic of the Congo airmail 9/28/1961 500fr dt=flowers (1961 Republic of the Congo) d=Thesium tencio
Gabon airmail 2/17/1962 500fr issue=Air Afrique perf=13
Cameroun airmail 6/15/1962 500fr issue=1962 air d=Kapsikis Mokolo perf=13
Gabon airmail 10/7/1963 500fr dt=birds (1963 Gabon) d=Apaloderma narina (1963) perf=13
Republic of the Congo airmail 2/28/1966 500fr issue=22nd Anniversary of Brazzaville Conference
Cameroun airmail 3/30/1966 500fr bl&blblk issue=conquest of space d=Gemini VI & Gemini VII perf=13
Chad airmail 10/18/1966 500fr issue=Birds 1966 d=Merops orientalis (1966)
Gabon airmail 4/1/1967 500fr issue=Old airplanes d=Potez 56 perf=13
Republic of the Congo airmail 5/24/1967 500fr issue=African Liberation Day d=Shackled hands
Central African Republic airmail 11/24/1967 500fr issue=Aircraft 1967 d=Sud Aviation Caravelle
Cameroun airmail 11/29/1969 500fr issue=Splashdown in the Pacific d=Landing module
Republic of the Congo airmail 3/10/1970 500fr dt=paintings (1968 Republic of the Congo) d="Capture of Constantinople" - Delacroix
Gabon airmail 12/5/1970 500fr blvio<rd issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Claude Dornier
Republic of the Congo airmail 4/26/1971 500fr issue=Easter 1971 dt=Religious Paintings (1971) d="The Resurrection" - Memling
Gabon airmail 5/12/1971 500fr issue=150th Anniversary of the Death of Napoleon d=Sarcophagus in Les Invalides Paris
Republic of the Congo airmail 11/9/1971 500fr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of General De Gaulle
Chad airmail 1/5/1972 500fr issue=Apollo 15
Chad airmail 1/5/1972 500fr issue=Apollo 15
Chad airmail 6/26/1972 500fr issue=Kings and Personalities of the French Court
Chad airmail 1973 500fr issue=Horse Paintings 1973
Gabon airmail 9/6/1973 500fr issue=Apollo 17
Central African Republic airmail 12/25/1973 500fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of St. Theresa of Lisieux
Republic of the Congo airmail 8/10/1974 500fr issue=100th Anniversary of UPU
Central African Republic 10/9/1974 500fr issue=100th Anniversary of UPU
Gabon airmail 1/14/1975 500fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Cameroun airmail 10/20/1975 500fr issue=200th Anniversary of American Revolution d=Benjamin Franklin (after Peale and Nee) perf=13
Cameroun airmail 12/25/1975 500fr issue=Christmas 1975 d="Adoration of the Magi" - Gentile da Fab perf=13
Gabon airmail 12/29/1975 500fr bl&viobl&red d=Concorde over globe
Central African Republic airmail 6/14/1976 500fr issue=Apollo-Soyuz
Chad 6/21/1976 500fr issue=Winter Olympic 1976 winners
Cameroun airmail 6/25/1976 500fr issue=Concorde First Commercial Flight, Paris to Rio de Janeiro
Chad 7/12/1976 500fr issue=Olympics 1976
Central African Republic airmail 9/23/1976 500fr issue=Winter Olympics winners d=Rosi Mittermaier Germany
Cameroun airmail 12/15/1976 500fr issue=Christmas 1976 d="The New-born" - G. de la Tour perf=12.5
Chad 12/15/1976 500fr dt=Nobel Prizewinners d=Alexander Fleming (1976)
Central African Republic airmail 12/16/1976 500fr issue=Viking d=Viking spacecraft
Republic of the Congo 12/29/1976 500fr issue=200th Anniversary of American Revolution
Central African Republic airmail 3/1/1977 500fr issue=1977 air a
Chad 3/30/1977 500fr issue=Zeppelin Flights
Central African Republic 4/1/1977 500fr issue=Nobel Prize winners d=Rabindranath Tagore
Central African Republic airmail 4/11/1977 500fr issue=1977 air b
Central African Republic airmail 4/11/1977 500fr issue=1977 air b
Central African Republic airmail 4/11/1977 500fr issue=Zeppelin 75th
Central African Republic airmail 4/11/1977 500fr issue=1977 air b
Cameroun airmail 5/20/1977 500fr issue=History of Aviation d=Charles Lindbergh and Spirit of St. Louis perf=13
Republic of the Congo airmail 8/5/1977 500fr issue=History of the Zeppelin
Cameroun 8/10/1977 500fr issue=U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. Space Co-operation
(plus 596 more) (See all uses as list)