Desc: 20f
Currency: Kuwaiti dinar (1000f=1d)
Numerical sorting value: 1200
Users of this denom: Kuwait (160 stamps, 1961-1986)
Used by 160 stamps of Kuwait: (See all uses as list)
4/1/1961 20f issue=1961
1/11/1962 20f issue=telecommunications union conference perf=11.75
4/15/1962 20f d=school & sheiks
4/23/1962 20f pur d=Arab League Building
6/19/1962 20f issue=National Day 1962 d=Flag of Kuwait perf=11.75
12/8/1962 20f issue=Sabah dynasty 200th d=camel train & cogwheel & modern building perf=11x13
3/21/1963 20f issue=Mother's Day 1963 d=mother & child perf=15x14
3/21/1963 20f issue=Freedom from Hunger perf=14x15
4/15/1963 20f perf=15x14
6/19/1963 20f issue=National Day 1963 perf=14.5x13
7/27/1963 20f issue=tuberculosis control perf=13x12.5
10/29/1963 20f issue=constitution perf=11x13
11/8/1963 20f dt=sports (1963 Kuwait) perf=15x14
12/10/1963 20f issue=Human Rights 15th perf=13x12.5
1964 20f issue=1964 d=Sheikh Abdullah (1964)
3/8/1964 20f issue=UNESCO campaign perf=13x12.5
3/21/1964 20f issue=Mother's Day 1964 d=mother & child 1964 perf=14x13
4/7/1964 20f multi&red issue=World Health Day 1964 d=nurse Giving TB Test
4/15/1964 20f issue=Education Day 1964 d=microscope & dhow perf=12.5x13
6/19/1964 20f issue=National Day 1964 perf=13.5
11/21/1964 20f orgyel&viobl d=Arab Postal Union emblem (1964 Kuwait) perf=11x11.5
airmail 11/29/1964 20f issue=10th anniversary Kuwait Airways d=comet & DC-3
2/8/1965 20f issue=Arab Journalists Conference perf=14.5
2/25/1965 20f issue=National Day 1965 perf=13.5
3/7/1965 20f bl&blk issue=ICY perf=13.5
3/21/1965 20f issue=Mothers Day 1965 perf=13.5
3/23/1965 20f bl&grn issue=World Meteorological Day
3/28/1965 20f issue=census 1965 perf=13.5
4/15/1965 20f issue=Education Day 1965 perf=14x13
5/17/1965 20f issue=ITU 100th d=ITU emblem (1965 Kuwait) perf=13.5x14
12/1/1965 20f dkbl&graybrn d=falcon (1965) perf=13
1/10/1966 20f issue=Education Day 1966 perf=14x15
2/1/1966 20f issue=1966 d=Emir Sabah III (1966) perf=14x13.5
2/15/1966 20f issue=Freedom from Hunger d=Freedom from Hunger perf=11x11.5
2/25/1966 20f issue=National Day 5th
3/1/1966 20f issue=industrial development
3/21/1966 20f issue=Mothers Day 1966 perf=11.5x11
5/4/1966 20f issue=Traffic Day 1966 d=traffic signal (1966) perf=11x11.5
6/30/1966 20f issue=1st crude oil shipment 20th perf=13.5
7/25/1966 20f issue=Ministry of Guidance perf=11.5x11
10/10/1966 20f issue=fisheries conference of the Near East countries
10/24/1966 20f issue=UN Day 1966 perf=13
11/4/1966 20f issue=UNESCO 20th
11/27/1966 20f issue=Kuwait University opening
12/11/1966 20f d=Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah & Sheik Sabah III & hands clapping perf=14x13
12/21/1966 20f orgbrn&blgrn issue=Kuwait Boy Scouts 30th
2/19/1967 20f issue=fertilizer plant opening perf=13
2/25/1967 20f issue=National Day 6th perf=13
3/11/1967 20f issue=Arab Cities Organization conference perf=14x13
3/21/1967 20f issue=Family Day 1967
(plus 110 more) (See all uses as list)