Desc: 15k
Currency: Zairean zaire (10000s=100k=100nk=1z=1nz)
Numerical sorting value: 1500
Users of this denom: Democratic Republic of the Congo (4 stamps, 1967-1971), Zaire (7 stamps, 1975-1984)
Used by 11 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 10/24/1967 15k grn&orgbrn issue=Tourism Year d=National Palace (1964) oc=blk on=9/15/1964-3fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 12/15/1969 15k issue=ILO 50th
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2/24/1971 15k dt=butterflies & moths d=Eronia leda (1971)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 8/1971 15k dt=primates (1971 Democratic Republic of the Congo) d=Cercopithecus diana diana
Zaire 1975 15k issue=new government 10th
Zaire 1/8/1977 15k dt=carvings&masks
Zaire 2/18/1980 15k d=Einstein
Zaire 4/2/1984 15k dt=animals of Garamba park
Zaire 5/14/1984 15k issue=World Communications Year
Zaire 5/28/1984 15k dt=flowers of Zaire
Zaire 6/28/1984 15k issue=human flight 200th