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4l denom (#8728)

  • Colnect-1208-351-Overprint-Issues--Deutsche-Militaer-Verwaltung-Montenegro.jpg
  • Colnect-5497-199-Landscape-Stamp-Overprint--PORTO--and-new-value.jpg
  • Colnect-1951-940-Landscape-Stamp-Overprint--PORTO--and-new-value.jpg
  • Colnect-5497-171-Landscape---Print-in-Lubiana---dt-105-X-115.jpg
  • Colnect-5496-867-Landscape---Print-in-Zagabria---dt-12.jpg
  • Colnect-1951-946-Landscape-Stamp-Overprint--PORTO--and-new-value.jpg
  • Colnect-578-087-Cardinal-Giovanni-Maria-Del-Monte.jpg
  • Colnect-168-278-Hand-holding-a-torch.jpg
  • Colnect-168-406-Palazzo-della-Signoria-in-Florence.jpg
  • Colnect-1698-326-Allied-Occupation-of-Venetia-Giulia.jpg
  • Colnect-188-374-Number-and-decorations.jpg
  • Colnect-1381-110-Democratic-surprint-in-two-lines.jpg
  • Colnect-150-450-Angels-bring-the-Casa-Sancta-from-Nazareth-to-Loreto.jpg
  • Colnect-168-616-1848-Revolution.jpg
  • Colnect-1391-372-Centenary-of-the-revival.jpg
  • Colnect-152-062-Papal-coat-of-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-150-535-Pius-XII.jpg
  • Colnect-150-580-Captain-Roust.jpg
  • Colnect-150-601-Savio-St-Domenico-Savio.jpg
Desc: 4l

Currency: Italian lira (100c=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 24000

Users of this denom: Italy (5 stamps, 1934-1948), Rhodes (1 stamp, 1934), Trieste (5 stamps, 1947-1949), Venezia Giulia (1 stamp, 1946), German occupation of Montenegro (1 stamp, 1943), Vatican City (6 stamps, 1946-1957), Istria & Slovene Coast (5 stamps, 1945-1946)

Used by 24 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Rhodes parcel post 7/1/1934 4l vio issue=1934 parcel wmk=crown (Italy)
Italy airmail 11/5/1934 4l redbrn issue=Flight Rome-Mogadiscio / King Victor Emmanuel III 65th d=King Victor Emmanuel III wmk=crown (Italy)
German occupation of Montenegro 11/22/1943 4l dlredbrn issue=1943b d=King Peter II (1939) ovpt=Deutsche//Militaer-//Verwaltung//Montenegro//value oc=blk on=issuer=Yugoslavia-1939-3d perf=12.5
Istria & Slovene Coast postage due 1945 4l issue=1945 due b
Istria & Slovene Coast postage due 1945 4l issue=1945 due a
Istria & Slovene Coast 8/15/1945 4l ver issue=pictorials
Istria & Slovene Coast 8/15/1945 4l ltbl issue=pictorials
Istria & Slovene Coast postage due 1946 4l issue=1946 due
Vatican City 2/20/1946 4l yel&brn issue=Council of Trent 400th d=Cardinal GM del Monte perf=14
Italy 5/10/1946 4l redorg issue=Peace d=torch wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy 10/30/1946 4l org issue=proclamation of republic d=Florence wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Venezia Giulia 12/18/1946 4l issue=1946 on=issuer=Italy-4l
Italy postage due 1947 4l brn issue=1947 due d=numeral (1947) wmk=winged wheel
Trieste parcel post 10/1/1947 4l grayblk issue=1947 parcel wmk=winged wheel
Trieste postage due 10/1/1947 4l brn issue=1949 due wmk=winged wheel
Trieste 10/1/1947 4l redorg issue=1947 d=torch ovpt=A.M.G.//F.T.T. oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-issue=Peace-4l wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Vatican City airmail 11/10/1947 4l brn issue=1947 air
Italy 5/3/1948 4l redpur issue=Risorgimento 100th wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Trieste 7/1/1948 4l redpur issue=1948 b ovpt=A.M.G.-F.T.T. oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-issue=Risorgimento 100th-4l wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Trieste parcel post 11/22/1949 4l grayblk issue=1949 parcel wmk=winged wheel
Vatican City postage due 4/30/1954 4l blk&red issue=1954 due wmk=crossed keys
Vatican City 5/26/1954 4l car issue=Marian year d=Pius XII wmk=crossed keys
Vatican City 4/27/1956 4l carrose issue=Papal Guards 450th d=Gaspar Roust wmk=crossed keys
Vatican City 3/21/1957 4l issue=St Domenico Savio death 100th d=Dominic Savio wmk=crossed keys perf=13.5