Desc: 5s
Currency: Ecuadorian sucre (100c=1s)
Numerical sorting value: 30000
Equivalent denoms: 5.00s (35)
Users of this denom: Ecuador (108 stamps, 1892-1988)
Used by 108 stamps of Ecuador: (See all uses as list)
1/1/1892 5s pur d=Juan Flores perf=12
1894 5s dkbl issue=1894 d=Vicente Rocafuerte (1894 5s) var=1894 perf=12
1895 5s dkbl issue=1895 d=Vicente Rocafuerte (1894 5s) var=1895 perf=12
1896 5s vio issue=1896a dt=arms of Ecuador (1896) d=arms of Ecuador (1896 5s) wmk=liberty cap perf=12
1896 5s vio issue=1896b dt=arms of Ecuador (1896) d=arms of Ecuador (1896 5s) perf=12
official 1896 5s ol issue=1896 official a wmk=liberty cap
official 1896 5s ol issue=1896 official b wmk=liberty cap
1897 5s dkbl issue=1897a d=Vicente Rocafuerte (1894 5s) var=1894 ovpt=1897 1898 light oc=blk on=1894-5s perf=12
1897 5s dkbl issue=1897b d=Vicente Rocafuerte (1894 5s) var=1895 ovpt=1897 1898 light oc=blk on=1895-5s perf=12
1897 5s dkbl issue=1897c d=Vicente Rocafuerte (1894 5s) var=1894 ovpt=1897 1898 heavy oc=blk on=1894-5s perf=12
1897 5s dkbl issue=1897d d=Vicente Rocafuerte (1894 5s) var=1895 ovpt=1897 1898 heavy oc=blk on=1895-5s perf=12
1897 5s dkbl issue=1897e d=Vicente Rocafuerte (1894 5s) var=1895 ovpt=1897 1898 heavy oc=blk on=1895-5s perf=12
6/23/1897 5s brn d=arms of Ecuador (1897) perf=12
6/1899 5s lil&blk issue=patriots dt=patriots (1899) d=Moncayo perf=12
1901 5s dkgray&blk issue=patriots 1901 d=Moncayo perf=12
8/10/1909 5s pur issue=National Exposition 1909 d=Exposition building perf=12
postal tax 1920 5s bl issue=1920 postal tax d=Post Office Quito perf=12
10/9/1928 5s dkgrn issue=national assembly d=Sucre ovpt=ASAMBLEA//... oc=blk on=1920-50c perf=12
10/31/1928 5s issue=Otavalo railway ovpt=stuff oc=blk on=type=revenue-5s
airmail 4/1/1929 5s ltbl issue=1929 SCADTA d=Jesuit church La Compania wmk=quatrefoils
airmail official 5/5/1929 5s yel issue=1929 official air
airmail 5/5/1929 5s orgyel issue=1929 air d=plane over Guayas River
airmail 1930 5s olgrn issue=1930 air d=plane over Guayas River
airmail official 1/9/1930 5s olgrn issue=1930 official air
airmail 6/4/1930 5s issue=Mendez flight
8/1/1930 5s dkvio&blk issue=republic 100th d=Bolivar (1930) perf=12
8/1935 5s carrose&blk issue=Bolivar monument unveiling d=Bolivar monument ovpt=INAUGURACION//MONUMENTO//A BOLIVAR//value//QUITO, 24 DE//JULIO DE 1935 oc=blk on=1930-10s perf=12
10/13/1935 5s graygrn&red issue=Columbus Day 1935
airmail 5/1/1939 5s blk issue=1939 air d=Ryan B-5 Brougham over Chimborazo
airmail 6/30/1939 5s grn issue=Golden Gate Expo d=Golden Gate Bridge & mountain
airmail 7/14/1939 5s gray issue=New York World's Fair d=Empire State Building & mountain
official 8/1/1941 5s rose issue=1941 official
airmail 1/30/1942 5s pnk issue=Amazon discovery 400th
airmail 2/16/1942 5s slbl issue=Alfaro 100th
airmail 10/9/1943 5s grn issue=President Arroyo del Rio Visit to Washington
airmail 1944 5s car issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Federico Gonzalez Suarez
airmail 1944 5s pur issue=1944 air d=plane over Guayas River
airmail 1944 5s dkbrn issue=1944 z
airmail 2/13/1944 5s bl issue=President Arroyo del Rio Visit to Washington
airmail 2/13/1944 5s pur issue=1944 air d=plane over Beach Promenade of Guayaquil
4/25/1945 5s turqgrn&rose issue=Red Cross 80th d=allegorical figure & red cross
airmail 4/25/1945 5s vio&red issue=Red Cross 80th
airmail 9/6/1945 5s dkbrn issue=Victory
airmail 11/14/1945 5s purbrn issue=Sucre 150th
airmail 4/22/1946 5s redorg issue=Pan-American Highway d=Map of the Pan-American Highway & arms of Cuenca
4/22/1946 5s redlil issue=Pan-American Highway d=Map of the Pan-American Highway & arms of Loja perf=12
airmail 9/16/1946 5s issue=literacy campaign 1946
airmail 11/28/1946 5s issue=Blessed Mariana death 300th
1948 5s gray issue=postal flight 25th d=Telegrafo I perf=12
1948 5s car issue=Columbus lighthouse d=flagship perf=12
(plus 58 more) (See all uses as list)