Prev: 45fr (French franc)
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50fr denom (#9711)

  • Colnect-864-053-Meharists.jpg
  • Colnect-1506-567-Plane-flying-over-Paris.jpg
  • Colnect-143-085-Avion-survolant-Paris.jpg
  • Colnect-143-074-Plane-flying-over-Paris-Caudron-Simoun-.jpg
  • Colnect-143-187-Cl-eacute-ment-Ader.jpg
  • Colnect-143-266-Guynemer-George.jpg
  • Colnect-143-357-Marshal-Petain.jpg
  • Colnect-872-948-Definitive-issue-without-RF.jpg
  • Colnect-141-714-Bridge-of-St-Antoni.jpg
  • Colnect-141-762-Councillor.jpg
  • Colnect-872-958-Series-of-London---Plane-and-Croix-de-Lorraine.jpg
  • Colnect-1160-701-Tax.jpg
  • Colnect-143-549-Marianne-type-Gandon.jpg
  • Colnect-143-574-Marianne-type-Dulac.jpg
  • Colnect-142-342-Cornsheaf.jpg
  • Colnect-807-542-Dromedary-Camelus-dromedarius-Map-Soldier.jpg
  • Colnect-147-040-Sheaves-of-wheat.jpg
  • Colnect-4025-316-Iris-goddess-messenger-of-the-Gods.jpg
  • Colnect-872-966-Of-Chad-to-the-Rhine.jpg
  • Colnect-872-967-Aircraft-and-for-the-island.jpg
  • Colnect-807-593-Agades-cross.jpg
  • Colnect-807-553-G%C3%A9n%C3%A9ral-Leclerc.jpg
  • Colnect-779-039-Type-Gerbes.jpg
  • Colnect-779-018-Mythology.jpg
  • Colnect-143-712-The-Gerbier-de-Jonc-Vivarais.jpg
  • Colnect-143-706-Int-congress-CITT-in-Paris-G-eacute-n-eacute-ral-Ferri-eacute--1868-1932.jpg
  • Colnect-1020-480-Timbre-fictif-de-cours-d-instruction.jpg
  • Colnect-807-567-Bey-Ahmed.jpg
  • Colnect-869-092-small-parcels-delivery.jpg
  • Colnect-143-796-Caen---The-Abbey-men-The-church-of-Saint-Etienne.jpg
  • Colnect-143-848-Rowing.jpg
  • Colnect-872-911-Myst%C3%A8re-IV.jpg
  • Colnect-143-869-Jewellery-and-Silverware.jpg
  • Colnect-141-779-Les-Bons.jpg
  • Colnect-143-934-Basti-eacute--Maryse.jpg
  • Colnect-888-020-Emperor-Penguin-Aptenodytes-forsteri.jpg
  • Colnect-143-988-Rugby.jpg
  • Colnect-144-068-Saint-Remy-les-Antiques.jpg
  • Colnect-144-142-Foucauld-Charles-de-1856-1916.jpg
  • Colnect-144-164-Palace-of-CNIT.jpg
  • Colnect-144-177-Jaur%C3%A9s-Jean-1859-1914.jpg
  • Colnect-144-179-CEPT--Chains.jpg
  • Colnect-144-182-Pyrenees-treaty-1659.jpg
  • Colnect-144-184-Bergson-Henri-1859-1941.jpg
  • Colnect-144-190-NATO.jpg
  • Colnect-872-825-Cilaos.jpg
  • Colnect-888-026-Coast-of-Adelie-Land.jpg
  • Colnect-872-930-Wildflowers.jpg
  • Colnect-888-031--quot-D1-quot--satellite-part-of-globe.jpg
  • Colnect-885-979-New-headquarters-building-of-the-U-PU-Bern.jpg
  • Colnect-888-043-Possession-Island.jpg
  • Colnect-888-046-Port-aux-Fran%C3%A7ais.jpg
  • Colnect-885-992-First-anniversary-of-the-death-of-General-de-Gaulle.jpg
Desc: 50fr

Currency: French franc (100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 300000

Equivalent denoms: 50.00fr (3)

Users of this denom: Andorra (Fr) (4 stamps, 1943-1955), France (27 stamps, 1936-1959), Reunion (9 stamps, 1942-1965), French Colonies (1 stamp, 1945), French Southern & Antarctic Territories (7 stamps, 1956-1972), FezzanGhadames (1 stamp, 1946), Fezzan (2 stamps, 1949-1951), Ghadames (1 stamp, 1949), Obock (1 stamp, 1894)

Used by 53 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Obock 1894 50fr d=Somalis & camel
France airmail 1936 50fr yelgrn d=plane flying over Paris perf=13
France airmail 7/10/1936 50fr ultra d=plane over Paris in turned frame
France airmail 7/10/1936 50fr issue=Aircraft over Paris d=aircraft over Paris perf=12.5x13
France 6/16/1938 50fr bl d=Clement Ader perf=13
France 11/7/1940 50fr ultra d=Guynemer perf=13
France 7/26/1942 50fr blk d=Petain (1942 50fr) perf=13
Reunion airmail 10/19/1942 50fr issue=1942 air
Andorra (Fr) 3/15/1943 50fr turqbl issue=1932 d=Bridge of St Anthony
Andorra (Fr) 1944 50fr issue=1944 d=Jaume Bonell perf=13
Reunion airmail 1944 50fr issue=1944 air
French Colonies postage due 1945 50fr issue=1945 d=numeral (1945 French Colonies) perf=12
France 2/15/1945 50fr redbrn issue=1945b d=Marianne large perf=13
France 11/1945 50fr dkpur issue=1944b d=Marianne (de Dulac) perf=11.5x12.5
FezzanGhadames 1946 50fr dpbl issue=1946 d=map & soldier & camel perf=13
Andorra (Fr) postage due 1946 50fr grn issue=1946 timbre taxe
France postage due 1946 50fr issue=1946 due d=sheaves (TIMBRE TAXE) perf=13
France airmail 5/27/1946 50fr rose issue=1946 air perf=13
Reunion airmail 6/6/1946 50fr issue=Chad to Rhine
Reunion airmail 3/24/1947 50fr issue=1947 air
Reunion postage due 1949 50fr grn issue=1949 due d=++on=100fr
Ghadames airmail 1949 50fr pur&rose d=cross of Agadem perf=13
Fezzan 1949 50fr copred issue=1949 perf=13
Reunion airmail 1/3/1949 50fr issue=1949 air CFA d=++on=100fr
France 6/3/1949 50fr sep d=Gerbier des Joncs perf=13
France 6/13/1949 50fr dkbl issue=ITT Congress d=Général Ferrié perf=13
France official 1950 50fr issue=1950 training d=Timbre fictif de cours dinstruction
Fezzan 1951 50fr ind&brnorg issue=1951 d=Ahmed Bey perf=13
France parcel post 10/1/1951 50fr issue=1951 parcel wmk=locomotive perf=13
France 12/22/1951 50fr blkbrn dt=scenic (1951) d=Abbaye aux Hommes,Caen perf=13
France 11/28/1953 50fr grn&purbrn issue=Olympics 1952 dt=sports (1953 France) d=rowers perf=13
Reunion airmail 2/10/1954 50fr issue=1954 air d=++on=100fr
France 5/6/1954 50fr dt=industries (1954) d=jewelry perf=13
Andorra (Fr) 2/15/1955 50fr issue=1955 d=Les Bons perf=13
France airmail 6/6/1955 50fr rose&brn issue=Maryse Bastié memorial d=Maryse Bastié & plane perf=13
French Southern & Antarctic Territories airmail 4/18/1956 50fr d=Emperor Penguins
France 7/7/1956 50fr redvio&vio issue=sports 1956 d=rugby (1956) perf=13
France 10/19/1957 50fr grn&olbrn dt=scenic 1957 b d=ruins at Saint-Remy perf=13
France 1/31/1959 50fr d=Charles de Foucauld perf=13
France 5/23/1959 50fr grnbl&ol issue=technical achievements 1959 d=Palace of CNIT perf=13
France 9/12/1959 50fr dkbrn issue=Jean Jaures 100th d=Jean Jaures perf=13
France 9/19/1959 50fr dkvio issue=Europa 1959 d=Europa six links perf=13
France 10/24/1959 50fr issue=Pyrenees Treaty 300th perf=13
France 11/7/1959 50fr orgbrn issue=Henri Bergson 100th d=Henri Bergson (1959) perf=13
France 12/12/1959 50fr issue=NATO 10th perf=13
Reunion 1/16/1960 50fr issue=1957b dt=tourism (1960 France) d=Reunion Cilaos Church - Grand Massif Bénard ovpt=50FCFA bars oc=blk on=issuer=France-1/16/1960-1.00fr perf=13
French Southern & Antarctic Territories airmail 1/20/1965 50fr issue=Adelie Land discovery 125th
Reunion postage due 2/22/1965 50fr issue=1964 due oc=blk on=1.00fr
French Southern & Antarctic Territories airmail 3/27/1966 50fr dkpur&lil&org issue=French Satellite D1 d=Satellite D1 in orbit
French Southern & Antarctic Territories 5/20/1970 50fr issue=New U.P.U. Headquarters Building, Bern d=UPU HQ & UPU emblem
(plus 3 more) (See all uses as list)