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Phyllopteryx eques

  • Colnect-4581-518-Leafy-seadragon.jpg
  • Colnect-3226-283-Leafy-sea-dragon-Phyllopterix-eques.jpg
Short desc: Phyllopteryx eques

Things in this design:
fish Phyllopteryx eques

This design is used by 5 stamps: (See all uses as list)
St. Vincent 8/1/1998 $5 issue=International Year Of the Ocean wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14.25
Grenada 8/19/1998 75c issue=International Year of the Ocean wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14.25
Dominica 9/7/1998 $6 issue=International Year of the Ocean wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14.25
Gambia 8/1/1999 3d issue=Marine Life of the Galapagos Islands b
Somalia 12/21/2001 200sh issue=Pipefish perf=14.25