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Physeter macrocephalus (1998)

  • Colnect-187-397-Sperm-Whale-Physeter-macrocephalus.jpg
  • Colnect-3411-413-Sperm-Whale-Physeter-macrocephalus.jpg
  • Colnect-3950-148-Sperm-Whale-Physeter-macrocephalus.jpg
  • Colnect-3950-149-Sperm-Whale-Physeter-macrocephalus.jpg
  • Colnect-3950-150-Sperm-Whale-Physeter-macrocephalus.jpg
  • Colnect-4946-461-Sperm-Whale-Physeter-catodon.jpg
  • Colnect-4581-511-Sperm-whale.jpg
Short desc: Physeter macrocephalus (1998)

Things in this design:
whale Physeter macrocephalus (syn. of sperm whale)

This design is used by 8 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Philippines 6/19/1998 4p dt=marine mammals (1998 Philippines) perf=14
Fiji 6/22/1998 63c dt=sperm whales wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14.25x14
Fiji 6/22/1998 81c dt=sperm whales wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14.25x14
Fiji 6/22/1998 87c dt=sperm whales wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14.25x14
Thailand 7/19/1998 6b issue=International Year of the Ocean dt=marine mammals (1998 Thailand) perf=14.75x14
Thailand 7/19/1998 6b issue=International Year of the Ocean dt=marine mammals (1998 Thailand)
Azores region 8/4/1998 140e issue=World EXPO '98
Grenada 8/19/1998 75c issue=International Year of the Ocean wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14.25