Prev: Ara macao (1999)
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Ara macao (2000)

  • Colnect-4027-628-GERCO---Coastal-Management-National-Program.jpg
  • Colnect-3507-646-Scarlet-Macaw%C2%A0-%C2%A0Ara-macao.jpg
  • Colnect-3769-072-Scarlet-Macaw-Ara-macao.jpg
  • Colnect-3803-029-Scarlet-Macaw-Ara-macao.jpg
Short desc: Ara macao (2000)

Things in this design:
parrot Ara macao (syn. of Scarlet Macaw)

This design is used by 9 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Grenada Grenadines 3/1/2000 $6 issue=Parrots and Parakeets dt=parrots and parakeets perf=14
Djibouti 4/13/2000 100fr issue=Animals from around the World dt=animals from around the World (2000)
Brazil 5/16/2000 0.40r issue=National Coastal Management Programme, GERCO perf=11.5
Democratic Republic of the Congo 8/16/2000 5fr issue=Parrots 2000 dt=parrots (2000)
Nicaragua 8/23/2000 3.00cd dt=birds (2000 Nicaragua) perf=14.25x14
Liberia 8/28/2000 $25 issue=Tropical Birds 2000 dt=Tropical Bird Fauna perf=14.25
Zambia 9/8/2000 1500k issue=Exotic Birds of the Tropics
Antigua 9/25/2000 $6 dt=animals of the Rainforest
St. Vincent 11/15/2000 $2 issue=Birds 2000 wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14