Prev: Anas clypeata (1999)
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Anas clypeata (2001)

  • Colnect-1721-659-Northern-Shoveler-Spatula-clypeata.jpg
  • Colnect-4536-170-Northern-Shoveler----Spatula-clypeata.jpg
Short desc: Anas clypeata (2001)

Things in this design:
bird Anas clypeata (syn. of northern shoveler)

This design is used by 4 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Grenada 3/5/2001 $1.25 issue=Hong Kong 2001 dt=ducks of the World wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
GuineaBissau 9/30/2001 150fcfa issue=Birds 2001 b perf=12x12.25
GuineaBissau 9/30/2001 1000fcfa issue=Birds 2001 b perf=12x12.25
Seychelles 10/4/2001 3r issue=Bird Life World Bird Festival wmk=crown & script CA spiral perf=14.25