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British Airways Concorde

  • Colnect-3744-326-British-Airways-Concorde.jpg
  • Colnect-6073-156-British-Airways-Concorde.jpg
  • Colnect-1222-716-British-Airways-Concorde.jpg
  • Colnect-1222-726-British-Airways-Concorde.jpg
  • Colnect-3195-566-British-Airways-Concorde.jpg
Short desc: British Airways Concorde

Things in this design:
airplane Concorde

This design is used by 14 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Montserrat 8/15/1995 $1.50 issue=50th Anniversary of the End of World War II wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14
Gibraltar 3/31/2003 44p issue=100th Anniversary of the first powered flight
Nauru 10/10/2006 $1 issue=30th Anniversary of the Inaugural Flight of the Concorde perf=14x13
Nauru 10/10/2006 $1 issue=30th Anniversary of the Inaugural Flight of the Concorde perf=14x13
Central African Republic 12/15/2014 900fr issue=Concorde 2014
Central African Republic 12/15/2014 900fr issue=Concorde 2014
Isle of Man 1/12/2016 93p issue=Royal Aeronautical Society, 150th Anniversary perf=14
Mozambique 2/10/2017 100.00MT issue=Concorde 2017 perf=13.25
Mozambique 2/10/2017 100.00MT issue=Concorde 2017 perf=13.25
Mozambique 2/10/2017 100.00MT issue=Concorde 2017 perf=13.25
Mozambique 2/10/2017 100.00MT issue=Concorde 2017 perf=13.25
Djibouti 2/19/2018 240Fr issue=Concorde 2018
Djibouti 2/19/2018 240Fr issue=Concorde 2018
Djibouti 2/19/2018 950Fr issue=Concorde 2018