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Next: James Cook (1964)

James Cook

  • Colnect-4161-166-James-Cook.jpg
  • Colnect-844-967-James-Cook.jpg
  • Colnect-1870-514-Captain-James-Cook-1728-1779-by-John-Weber.jpg
  • Colnect-6304-430-James-Cook.jpg
  • Colnect-3154-363-James-Cook.jpg
Short desc: James Cook

Things in this design:
person James Cook

This design is used by 7 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Niue 9/2/1940 1p car&blk issue=1940 wmk=multiple NZ & star
Maldive Islands 7/15/1978 1l issue=250th Anniversary of the Birth of Captain James Cook / 200th Anniversary of the Discovery of Hawaiia perf=15
Togo airmail 2/12/1979 90f issue=Cook death 200th perf=14
Cook Islands 7/23/1979 20c issue=200th Anniversary of the Death of Captain James Cook
South Georgia 1/5/2015 5£ issue=2015
France 3/14/2022 Lettre verde issue=Grand Voyagers - Those Men and Women who have Explored the World
French Southern & Antarctic Territories 6/25/2022 1.50€ issue=Pioneer Antarctic Explorers