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Morinda citrifolia

  • CC004.10.jpg
  • Colnect-2080-966-Noni.jpg
  • Colnect-1143-456-Mengkudu---Morinda-citrifolia.jpg
Short desc: Morinda citrifolia

Things in this design:
plant Morinda citrifolia

This design is used by 6 stamps: (See all uses as list)
St. Vincent 7/22/1992 75c issue=Medicinal Plants of the Caribbean wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Palau 2/12/1997 50c issue=HONG KONG '97 dt=flowers (1997 Palau) perf=14.5x14.75
Surinam 7/20/2001 200g dt=fruits (2001 Surinam)
Indonesia 8/1/2002 300r dt=fruits (2002 Indonesia) perf=13.5x12.75
St. Kitts 10/16/2007 $5 issue=Fruit 2007 perf=13.5x12.5
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 9/15/2010 $1.20 dt=flowers of Cocos (Keeling) Islands