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Tanysiptera sylvia

  • Colnect-1706-535-Buff-breasted-Paradise-Kingfisher-Tanysiptera-sylvia.jpg
Short desc: Tanysiptera sylvia

Things in this design:
bird Tanysiptera sylvia

This design is used by 5 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Papua New Guinea 1/21/1981 25t dt=kingfishers (1981)
Marshall Islands 6/18/2012 45c issue=Birds of the Pacific b dt=birds of the Pacific
Niger 7/3/2017 800fr issue=Kingfishers 2017
Central African Republic 12/20/2017 3600Fr issue=Kingfishers 2017
Djibouti 8/27/2018 240Fr issue=Kingfishers 2018