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entrance, Chella

  • Colnect-847-157-Rabat-Porte-de-Chella.jpg
  • Colnect-847-123-Rabat-Porte-de-Chella.jpg
  • Colnect-847-124-Rabat-Porte-de-Chella.jpg
  • Colnect-847-125-Rabat-Porte-de-Chella.jpg
  • Colnect-847-153-Rabat-Porte-de-Chella.jpg
  • Colnect-847-155-Rabat-Porte-de-Chella.jpg
  • Colnect-847-156-Rabat-Porte-de-Chella.jpg
  • Colnect-847-172-Rabat-Porte-de-Chella.jpg
Short desc: entrance, Chella

Things in this design:
gate entrance (syn. of necropolis entrance)
place Chella (syn. of Chellah)

This design is used by 9 stamps: (See all uses as list)
9/1/1917 20c redbrn issue=1917
9/1/1917 25c dlbl issue=1917
9/1/1917 30c grayvio issue=1917
8/1923 20c redbrn issue=1923
8/1923 25c slbl issue=1923
8/1923 30c red issue=1923
1927 20c redvio issue=1923
1927 30c turqbl issue=1923
1931 25c turqbl oc=blk on=1927-30c-turqbl

All are French Morocco