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phocoenoides dalli

  • Colnect-2811-730-Dall--s-Porpoise-Phocoenoides-dalli.jpg
  • Colnect-4969-653-Phocoenoides-dalli.jpg
  • Colnect-4638-646-Dall-s-porpoise.jpg
Short desc: phocoenoides dalli

Things in this design:
mammal phocoenoides dalli (syn. of Dall's porpoise)

This design is used by 5 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Russia 12/30/1993 250r issue=Fauna of the World dt=fauna of the World
Tuvalu 8/21/1998 50c dt=dolphins and porpoises wmk=crown & script CA perf=13.25x13
Niger 9/2/1998 175fr issue=Marine Life 1998 perf=13.25
Grenada 9/10/2001 $1.50 issue=Whales and Dolphins 2001 dt=whales and dolphins (2001 Grenada) wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14.25
Canouan 5/30/2012 $4.50 issue=Marine Mammals