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popes of the Holy Years 1300-2000 design type

  • Colnect-151-933-Pope-Benedikt-XIV1675-1758reg-from-1740.jpg
  • Colnect-151-934-Pope-Pius-VI1717-1799reg-from-1775.jpg
  • Colnect-151-935-Leo-XII-1825.jpg
  • Colnect-151-936-Pope-Pius-IX1792-1878reg-from-1846.jpg
  • Colnect-151-937-Pope-Leo-XIII1810-1903reg-from-1878.jpg
  • Colnect-151-938-Pope-Pius-XI1857-1939reg-from-1922Hl-Year1925.jpg
  • Colnect-151-939-Pope-Pius-XII1876-1958reg-from-1939Hl-Year1950.jpg
  • Colnect-151-940-Pope-PaulVI1847-1978reg-from-1963Hl-Year1975.jpg
  • Colnect-151-941-Pope-Johannes-PaulII1920-2005reg-from-1978Hl-Year2000.jpg
  • Colnect-151-943-Pope-Johannes-PaulII1920-2005reg-from-1978Hl-Year2000.jpg
Short desc: popes of the Holy Years 1300-2000

Things in this design type:
person pope

Used by 10 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Vatican City 2/4/2000 300l issue=Popes of the Holy Years 1750-2000 d=Benedict XIV perf=13.75
Vatican City 2/4/2000 400(l) issue=Popes of the Holy Years 1750-2000 d=Pius VI perf=13.75
Vatican City 2/4/2000 500l issue=Popes of the Holy Years 1750-2000 d=Leo XII perf=13.75
Vatican City 2/4/2000 600(l) issue=Popes of the Holy Years 1750-2000 d=Pius IX (2000) perf=13.75
Vatican City 2/4/2000 700(l) issue=Popes of the Holy Years 1750-2000 d=Leo XIII perf=13.75
Vatican City 2/4/2000 800(l) issue=Popes of the Holy Years 1750-2000 d=Pius XI (2000) perf=13.75
Vatican City 2/4/2000 1200l issue=Popes of the Holy Years 1750-2000 d=Pius XII perf=13.75
Vatican City 2/4/2000 1500l issue=Popes of the Holy Years 1750-2000 d=Paul VI perf=13.75
Vatican City 2/4/2000 2000l issue=Popes of the Holy Years 1750-2000 d=John Paul II (2000) perf=13.75
Vatican City 2/4/2000 2000l issue=Popes of the Holy Years 1750-2000 d=John Paul II (2000) perf=13.75