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Endangered Animals from Around the World (1999) design type

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Short desc: Endangered Animals from Around the World (1999)

Used by 17 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Podilymbus gigas perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Tragopan caboti perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Brachyteles arachnoides perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Ammodorcas clarkei (1999) perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Eubalaena australis (1999 Tanzania) perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Amazona imperialis (1999) perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Acinonyx jubatus (1999) perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Crossoptilon mantchuricum (1999) perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Dermochelys coriacea (1999 Tanzania) perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Campephilus imperialis perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Vultur gryphus (1999) perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Cervus elaphus Barbarus perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Hapalemur griseus perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Amazona leucocephala (1999 Tanzania) perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 100sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Myrmecobius fasciatus perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 1500sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Leptotila wellsi perf=13.75
Tanzania 2/18/1999 1500sh issue=Endangered Animals from Around the World 1999 d=Macrotis lagotis perf=13.75