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wildflowers of Zimbabwe design type

  • ZW021.02.jpg
  • ZW022.02.jpg
  • ZW023.02.jpg
  • ZW024.02.jpg
  • ZW025.02.jpg
  • ZW026.02.jpg
Short desc: wildflowers of Zimbabwe

Used by 6 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Zimbabwe 10/22/2002 $20 d=Dissotis princeps
Zimbabwe 10/22/2002 $35 d=Leonotis nepetifolia
Zimbabwe 10/22/2002 $40 d=Hibiscus vitifolius (2002)
Zimbabwe 10/22/2002 $50 d=Boophane disticha
Zimbabwe 10/22/2002 $70 d=Pycnostachys urticifolia
Zimbabwe 10/22/2002 $90 d=Gloriosa superba (2002 Zimbabwe)