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Rare Animals and Plants from Around the World issue of Liberia

(No images available)
Short desc: Rare Animals and Plants from Around the World

Issuer: Liberia
Date: 8/21/2000

Consists of 33 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$15 d=Bradypus tridactylus (2000)
$15 d=Manta birostris (2000 Liberia)
$15 d=Hypoplectrus indigo (2000)
$15 d=Illex illecebrosus
$15 d=Stenella longirostris (2000)
$15 d=Octopus bimaculatus
$15 d=Equetus punctatus (2000 Liberia)
$15 d=Sufflamen bursa
$15 d=Megaptera novaeangliae (2000)
$15 d=Procavia capensis
$15 d=Pyxicephalus adspersus (2000)
$15 d=Cerastes cerastes gasparetti
$15 d=Acinonyx jubatus (2000)
$15 d=Viola comuta
$15 d=Aletis erici
$15 d=Agalychnis callidryas (2000 Liberia)
$15 d=Corallus caninus (2000)
$15 d=Ecyclia alata
$15 d=Chrysocyon brachyurus (2000)
$15 d=Ara ararauna (2000 Liberia)
$15 d=Tapirus terrestris (2000)
$15 d=Emesis fatima fatima
$15 d=Panthera onca (2000)
$15 d=Ardea cinerea (2000)
$15 d=Atheris squamiger
$15 d=Haliaeetus vocifer (2000)
$15 d=Acryllium vulturinum
$15 d=Pharaonenhund
$100 d=Dismorphia amphione (2000 Liberia)
$100 d=Cornus kousa
$100 d=Gorilla gorilla (2000)
$100 d=Trichechus manatus (2000 Liberia)

All are perf=14.25