Endangered Animal Species from around the World 2001 issue of Liberia

(No images available)


Liberia Endangered Animal Species from around the World 2001, empty sheet (#34894)
Liberia Endangered Animal Species from around the World 2001, empty sheet (#34895)
Liberia Endangered Animal Species from around the World 2001, empty sheet (#34896)
Liberia Endangered Animal Species from around the World 2001, empty sheet (#34897)
Liberia Endangered Animal Species from around the World 2001, empty sheet (#34898)
Liberia Endangered Animal Species from around the World 2001, empty sheet (#34899)
Liberia Endangered Animal Species from around the World 2001, empty sheet (#34900)
Liberia Endangered Animal Species from around the World 2001, empty sheet (#34901)
Short desc: Endangered Animal Species from around the World 2001

Issuer: Liberia
Date: 9/15/2001
Sort position: 16

Consists of 20 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$35 d=Falco rusticolus
$35 d=Amblyrhynchus cristatus
$35 d=Balaenoptera musculus (2001)
$35 d=Alle alle
$35 d=Exocoetus volitans
$35 d=Tapirus indicus (2001)
$35 d=Daubentonia madagascariensis
$35 d=Leontopithecus rosalia rosalia
$35 d=Alouatta caraya (2001)
$35 d=Crotalus sp.
$35 d=Mungos mungo (2001)
$35 d=Camelus ferus
$35 d=Oryx leucoryx (2001)
$35 d=Odobenus rosmarus (2001)
$35 d=Anser caerulescens (2001)
$35 d=Ursus maritimus (2001)
$100 d=Aptenodytes forsteri (2001)
$100 d=Chlamydosaurus kingii (2001)
$100 d=Hylobates lar (2001)
$100 d=Zalophus californianus (2001)

All are perf=14.25