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Rare Birds of Tanzania issue of Tanzania

  • Colnect-3635-075-Falco-fasciinucha.jpg
  • Colnect-3635-074-Banded-Sunbird-Anthreptes-rubritorques.jpg
  • Colnect-3635-073-Geokichla-guttata.jpg
  • Colnect-3635-072-Fischer-s-Turaco-Tauraco-fischeri.jpg
Short desc: Rare Birds of Tanzania

Issuer: Tanzania
Date: 11/27/1999

Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)

150sh d=Falco fasciinucha - Taita falcon wmk=squares & rectangles
300sh d=Anthreptes rubritorques - banded green wmk=squares & rectangles
400sh d=Zoothera guttata wmk=squares & rectangles
500sh d=Tauraco fischeri wmk=squares & rectangles
600sh d=Hirundo atrocaerulea (1999)

All are dt=Rare Birds (1999) perf=13.75x14.25