Short desc: 1962
Issuer: Bermuda
Dates: 1962 - 1966
Consists of 19 stamps: (See stamps as list)
1p org&lil&blk d=The Old Rectory perf=12.5
2p d=Church of St Peter perf=12.5
3p bl&orgbrn d=Government House, Bermuda perf=12.5
4p redpur&orgbrn d=Cathedral Hamilton perf=12.5
5p dkbl&pnk d=H.M. Dockyard perf=12.5
6p d=Perots Post Office 1848 perf=12.5
8p d=General Post Office (Bermuda) perf=12.5
9p orgbrn&grnbl d=Library & Historical Society perf=12.5
10p vio&bis d=Bermuda Cottage 1705 perf=12.5
1sh d=Christ Church Warwick 1719 perf=12.5
1sh3p d=City Hall Hamilton perf=12.5
1sh6p d=H.M. Dockyard
1966 1sh6p ind&rose d=H.M. Dockyard perf=12.5
2sh purbrn&org d=Town of St George perf=12.5
2sh3p sep&brtyelgrn d=Bermuda House 1710 perf=12.5
2sh6p d=Bermuda House 18th century perf=12.5
5sh carbrn&blgrn d=Colonial Secretariat 1833 perf=12.5
10sh d=Old Post Office Somerset 1890 perf=12.5
1lb d=House of Assembly 1815 perf=12.5
All are wmk=mult crown & script CA
Issues with this name: Argentina, Austria, Bermuda, Bhutan, British Honduras, Cameroun, Canada, Cayman Islands, China, ROC, Denmark, Fiji, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Liberia, Kelantan (1961), Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Norfolk Island, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Seychelles, Singapore, South West Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Sweden, United Nations, United States, Wallis & Futuna Islands