Dogs of the World issue of Grenada Grenadines

  • Colnect-4359-132-Irish-Setter-Glendalough-Ireland.jpg
  • Colnect-4359-133-Boston-terrier-State-house-Boston-US.jpg
  • Colnect-4359-134-Beagle-Temple-to-Athena-Greece.jpg
  • Colnect-4359-135-Weimaraner-Nesselwang-Germany.jpg
  • Colnect-4359-136-Norwegian-elkhound-Urnes-stave-church-Norway.jpg
  • Colnect-4359-137-Mastiff-Great-Sphinx-Egypt.jpg
  • Colnect-4359-138-Akita-Kyoto-torii-Japan.jpg
  • Colnect-4359-139-Saluki-Rub--al-Khali-Saudi-Arabia.jpg


Grenada Grenadines Dogs of the World, empty sheet (#27212)
Grenada Grenadines Dogs of the World, empty sheet (#27213)
Short desc: Dogs of the World

Issuer: Grenada Grenadines
Date: 1/20/1993

Consists of 10 stamps: (See stamps as list)

35c d=Irish Setter Glendalough Ireland
50c d=Boston terrier (1993)
75c d=beagle Temple to Athena Greece
$1 d=Weimaraner Nesselwang Germany
$3 d=Norwegian Elkhound Urnes Stave Church Norway
$4 d=Mastiff & The Great Sphinx Egypt
$5 d=Canis familiaris
$5 d=Canis familiaris
$6 d=Akita Kyoto torii Japan
$6 d=Saluki Rubal Khali Saudi Arabia

All are perf=14

Issues with this name: Benin (2002), Grenada, Grenada Grenadines, Guinea (2009), GuineaBissau (2014), Guyana (1997), Liberia (2012), Mozambique (2000), Nevis (2000), Turks & Caicos Islands (2000), Tuvalu (2012), Uganda, Zambia (1999)