International Year Against Racial Discrimination issue of Dahomey

  • Colnect-2899-279-Hands-holding-heart-vert.jpg
  • Colnect-2899-280-Globe-and-Hearth.jpg
Short desc: International Year Against Racial Discrimination

Issuer: Dahomey
Date: 1971
Sort position: 4
Occasion: unset

Consists of 2 stamps: (See stamps as list)


Issues with this name: Albania, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroun, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Czechoslovakia, Dahomey, German Democratic Republic, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Maldive Islands, Mauritania, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Rwanda (1972), Senegal, Upper Volta, Vatican City