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Fungi of the World issue of Guyana

  • Colnect-3107-477-Morchella-hortensis.jpg
  • Colnect-3107-478-Boletus-chyrsenteron.jpg
  • Colnect-3137-565-Clitocybe-clavipes.jpg
  • Colnect-3137-566-Clitocybe-gibba.jpg
  • Colnect-3107-479-Hygrophorus-agathosmus.jpg
  • Colnect-3107-480-Cortinarius-violaceus.jpg
  • Colnect-3137-567-Calocybe-carnea.jpg
  • Colnect-3107-481-Acanthocystis-geogenius.jpg
  • Colnect-3107-482-Mycena-polygramma.jpg
  • Colnect-3137-570-Amanita-spissa.jpg
  • Colnect-3137-571-Boletus-aestivalis.jpg
  • Colnect-3137-572-Boletus-rubellus.jpg
  • Colnect-3137-573-Clathrus-archeri.jpg
  • Colnect-3107-483-Hebeloma-radicosum.jpg
  • Colnect-3137-568-Marasmius.jpg
Short desc: Fungi of the World

Issuer: Guyana
Dates: 4/2/1997 - 12/1/2003
Occasion: unset

Consists of 26 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$6 d=Morchella hortensis perf=14
$20 d=Boletus chyrsenteron perf=14
12/1/2003 $20 d=Clitocybe gibba
12/1/2003 $20 d=Clitocybe clavipes
$25 d=Hygrophorus agathosmus perf=14
$30 d=Cortinarius violaceus (1997) perf=14
12/1/2003 $30 d=Calocybe carnea
$35 d=Acanthocystis geogenius perf=14
$60 d=Mycena polygramma (1997 Guyana) perf=14
$80 d=Russula amoena
$80 d=Agrocybe dura
$80 d=Macrolepiota rhacodes (1997)
$80 d=Amanita inaurata
$80 d=Paxillus involutus (1997)
$80 d=Stropharia umbonatescens
$80 d=Coprinus picaceus (1997 Guyana)
12/1/2003 $150 d=Amanita spissa
12/1/2003 $150 d=Boletus aestivalis
12/1/2003 $150 d=Xerocomus rubellus
12/1/2003 $150 d=Clathrus archeri (1997)
$200 d=Hebeloma radicosum (1997) perf=14
$300 d=Kuehneromyces mutabilis
$300 d=Amanita muscaria (1997)
$300 d=Coprinus comatus (1997)
12/1/2003 $300 d=Marasmius sp.
12/1/2003 $400 d=Volvariella bombycina (2003)

Issues with this name: Grenada, Grenada Grenadines, Guinea (2001), Guyana, Mali (2000)