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Christmas Island Shells issue of Christmas Island

  • Colnect-3891-628-Scorpion-Spider-Conch-Lambis-scorpius.jpg
  • Colnect-3891-630-Commercial-Top-Shell-Tectus-niloticus.jpg
  • Colnect-3891-632-Tiger-Cone-Conus-canonicus.jpg
  • Colnect-3891-633-Fluted-Giant-Clam-Tridacna-squamosa.jpg
Short desc: Christmas Island Shells

Issuer: Christmas Island
Date: 8/23/2016
Occasion: unset

Consists of 4 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$1 d=Lambis scorpius (2016)
$1 d=Tectus niloticus
$2 d=Conus canonicus (2016)
$2 d=Tridacna squamosa (2016)

All are dt=Christmas Island Shells