19th International Entomology Congress issue of China, PRC

  • Colnect-603-155-Chinese-Mantis-Tenodera-sinensis.jpg
  • Colnect-603-152-Seven-Spot-Ladybird-Coccinella-septempunctata.jpg
  • Colnect-603-153-Saffron-winged-Meadowhawk-Sympetrum-croceolum.jpg
  • Colnect-603-154-Common-Green-Lacewing-Chrysoperla-carnea.jpg
Short desc: 19th International Entomology Congress

Issuer: China, PRC
Date: 6/28/1992
Occasion: International Congress of Entomology / 19th International Entomology Congress

Consists of 4 stamps: (See stamps as list)

2f d=Tenodera Aridifolia Sinensis
20f d=Coccinella septempunctata (1992)
30f d=Sympetrum Croceolum
50f d=Chrysopa Septempunctata

All are dt=insects (1992) perf=12