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1941fa issue of Honan

(No images available)
Short desc: 1941fa

Issuer: Honan
Date: 7/1/1941
Sort position: 3
Occasion: unset

Consists of 8 stamps: (See stamps as list)

1/2c dkbrn d=No. 295 - Small overprint
1/2c dkbrn d=No. 295 - Large overprint
2 1/2c redpur d=No. 297 - Small overprint
2 1/2c redpur d=No. 297 - Large overprint
13c ltgrn d=No. 301 - Small overprint
13c ltgrn d=No. 301 - Large overprint
30c brnvio d=No. 304 - Large overprint
40c yelorg d=No. 305 - Large overprint