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50th Fish Protection Week issue of Philippines

  • Colnect-2850-778-Green-Sea-Turtle-Chelonia-mydas.jpg
  • Colnect-2850-779-Dwarf-Pygmy-Goby-Pandaka-pygmaea.jpg
  • Colnect-2850-788-Whale-Shark-Rhincodon-typus.jpg
Short desc: 50th Fish Protection Week

Issuer: Philippines
Date: 10/14/2013
Occasion: unset

Consists of 4 stamps: (See stamps as list)

10p d=green sea turtle Chelonia mydas (2013) perf=14
10p d=Pandaka pygmaea perf=14
10p d=Rhincodon typus (2013) perf=14
40p d=Pandaka pygmaea