2017 issue of Great Britain
Short desc: 2017
Issuer: Great Britain
Dates: 1/4/2017 - 3/21/2017
Consists of 26 stamps: (See stamps as list)
2nd brtbl d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
1/26/2017 1st lem&orgred d=Queen Elizabeth II - Recorded Signed For M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
2/15/2017 1st redlil d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MTIL M17L perf=Serpentine Die Cut 14.5x14
2/22/2017 1st Large scar d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MFIL M17L
2/22/2017 1st Large scar d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MBIL M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
2/22/2017 2nd brtbl d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MFIL M17L
2/22/2017 2nd Large brtbl d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MBIL M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
2/22/2017 1st scar d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MTIL M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
2/22/2017 1st scar d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MSIL M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
2/22/2017 1st scar d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MCIL M17L
2/22/2017 1st scar d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MBIL M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
3/1/2017 2nd brtbl d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MTIL M17L
3/1/2017 2nd brtbl d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin MBIL M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
3/1/2017 1st Large scar d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
3/13/2017 2nd brtbl d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
3/8/2017 1p dkcrim d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
3/9/2017 5p dlredbrn d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
3/9/2017 10p dlorg d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
3/2/2017 20p brtgrn d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
1/20/2017 1.17lb d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin M17L perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
3/21/2017 1.17lb org d=117 perf=15x14
3/21/2017 1.40lb blgrn d=140
3/21/2017 1.57lb olgrn d=Queen Elizabeth II - Security Machin M17L
3/21/2017 2.27lb yelbrn d=227
3/21/2017 2.55lb dkrd d=255
2/1/2017 1234 bl&sil d=Queen Elizabeth II (Machin Special Delivery) perf=Syncopated Die Cut 14.5x14
Issues with this name: Andorra (Sp), Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serb administration, Egypt, Falkland Islands, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Hungary, Iran, Liberia, Malaysia, Moldova, New Zealand, Russia, Serbia, Sint Maarten, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine, Uruguay, Virgin Islands