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Frogs 2018 issue of Australia

  • Colnect-6287-424-Tasmanian-Tree-Frog-Litoria-burrowsae.jpg
  • Colnect-6287-423-Baw-Baw-Frog-Philoria-frosti.jpg
  • Colnect-6287-422-Australian-Lace-lid-Litoria-dayi.jpg
  • Colnect-6287-421-Armoured-Frog-Litoria-lorica.jpg
Short desc: Frogs 2018

Issuer: Australia
Date: 7/10/2018
Occasion: unset

Consists of 4 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$1 d=Tasmanian tree frog Litoria burrowsae
$1 d=Baw Baw frog Philoria frosti
$1 d=Australian lace-lid Litoria dayi
$1 d=Armoured Mist Frog Litoria lorica

Issues with this name: Australia, Surinam