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Birds of the World issue of St. Vincent

  • Colnect-1755-648-Smooth-billed-Ani-Crotophaga-ani.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-649-Belted-Kingfisher-Megaceryle-alcyon.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-650-Blackburnian-Warbler-Setophaga-fusca%C2%A0.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-660-Hooded-Warbler%C2%A0Setophaga-citrina-.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-661-Northern-Flicker-Colaptes-auratus.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-659-Ovenbird%C2%A0Seiurus-aurocapilla.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-658-Cedar-Waxwing-Bombycilla-cedrorum.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-657-Bananaquit-Coereba-flaveola.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-653-Eurasian-Blue-Tit-Cyanistes-caeruleus.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-654-Common-Chaffinch-Fringilla-coelebs.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-663-Song-Thrush-Turdus-philomelos.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-664-European-Robin%C2%A0Erithacus-rubecula.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-665-Common-Blackbird-Turdus-merula.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-666-Great-Spotted-Woodpecker-Dendrocopos-major.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-667-Eurasian-Wren%C2%A0Troglodytes-troglodytes.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-668-Common-Kingfisher-Alcedo-atthis.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-655-Ruddy-Turnstone-Arenaria-interpres.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-645-Tawny-Owl-Strix-aluco.jpg
  • Colnect-1755-646-St-Vincent-Parrot-Amazona-guildingii.jpg


St. Vincent Birds of the World, empty sheet (#14637)
St. Vincent Birds of the World, empty sheet (#14638)
Short desc: Birds of the World

Issuer: St. Vincent
Date: 4/7/1997

Consists of 34 stamps: (See stamps as list)

60c d=Crotophaga ani perf=14.25
70c d=mandarin duck perf=14.75
70c d=belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) perf=14.25
90c d=Butorides virescens perf=14.75
90c d=Dendroica fusca perf=14.25
$1 d=Anas crecca perf=14.75
$1 d=Colaptes auratus perf=14.25
$1 d=Wilsonia citrina perf=14.25
$1 d=Seiurus aurocapillus perf=14.25
$1 d=Bombycilla cedrorum perf=14.25
$1 d=Coereba flaveola (1997) perf=14.25
$1 d=Passerina caerulea perf=14.25
$1.10 d=Parus caeruleus perf=14.25
$1.10 d=Aptenodytes forsteri (1997) perf=14.75
$1.10 d=Eudyptes crestatus perf=14.75
$1.10 d=Pygoscelis adeliae perf=14.75
$1.10 d=Cepphus grylle columba perf=14.75
$1.10 d=Aethia cristatella perf=14.75
$1.10 d=Aethia pygmaea perf=14.75
$1.10 d=Sula nebouxii (1997) perf=14.75
$2 d=Troglodytes troglodytes (1997) perf=14.25
$2 d=great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) perf=14.25
$2 d=Turdus merula perf=14.25
$2 d=Erithacus rubecula (1997) perf=14.25
$2 d=Turdus philomelos perf=14.25
$2 d=Irediparra gallinacea perf=14.75
$2 d=Alcedo atthis (1997) perf=14.25
$2 d=Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) perf=14.25
$5 d=tawny owl Strix aluco (1997) perf=14.25
$5 d=St. Vincent Parrot Amazona guildingii perf=14.25
$5 d=Hydranassa rufescens perf=14.75
$5 d=Phoenicopterus ruber perf=14.75
$5 d=Arenaria interpres (1997) perf=14.25
$5 d=Casmerodius albus perf=14.75

All are wmk=St Edwards crown & CA

Issues with this name: Bhutan (1999), Gambia (2011), Grenada Grenadines (2011), Guinea (1999), Guyana, Maldive Islands, Mali (2000), St. Vincent, Zambia (2000)