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Short desc: HONG KONG '01
Issuer: St. Vincent Date: 2/13/2001 Sort position: 2 Occasion: HONG KONG '01 Consists of 18 stamps: (See stamps as list) 10c d=Strix varia 90c d=Gypaetus barbatus (2001) 90c d=Herpetotheres cachinnans (2001) 90c d=Surnia ulula (2001) 90c d=Phodilus badius 90c d=Harpia harpyja 90c d=Aegolius funereus (2001) 90c d=Polyborus plancus $1 d=Gymnogyps californianus $1.10 d=Terathopius ecaudatus (2001) $1.10 d=Falco subbuteo $1.10 d=Pandion haliatus $1.10 d=Accipiter gentilis (2001) $1.10 d=Haliaeetus vocifer (2001) $1.10 d=Neophron percnopterus $2 d=Ictinia mississippiensis $5 d=Falco sparverius $5 d=great grey owl Strix nebulosa (2001) All are dt=Birds of Prey (2001) perf=14 Issues with this name: Norfolk Island, St. Vincent, Singapore, Thailand, Virgin Islands |