60th Anniversary of the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor issue of St. Vincent

(No images available)
Short desc: 60th Anniversary of the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

Issuer: St. Vincent
Date: 12/7/2001
Sort position: 3
Occasion: Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
Number/Year: 60

Consists of 14 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$1.40 d="Nevada"
$1.40 d="Oklahoma"
$1.40 d=Nakajima 85N2
$1.40 d=Nakajima B5N2
$1.40 d=Emperor Hirohito (2001)
$1.40 d=Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
$1.40 d=Nakajima B5N2
$5 d=Admiral Chester Nimitz

All are wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14.25