100th Anniversary of the Tour de France issue of St. Vincent

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Short desc: 100th Anniversary of the Tour de France

Issuer: St. Vincent
Date: 7/1/2003
Sort position: 4
Occasion: unset

Consists of 15 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$2 d=Antonin Magne
$2 d=Andre Leducq
$2 d=Georges Speicher
$2 d=Antonin Magne
$2 d=Romain Maes
$2 d=Silvere Maes
$2 d=Roger Lapebie
$2 d=Gino Bartali
$2 d=Silvere Maes
$2 d=Jean Apotre Lazarides
$2 d=Jean Robic
$2 d=Gino Bartali
$5 d=Antonin Magne
$5 d=Fausto Coppi
$5 d=Ferdinand Kubler

All are wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=13.5

Issues with this name: Andorra (Fr), Antigua, St. Vincent, Union Island (2013), Tuvalu