Short desc: 1949
Issuer: Ifni Dates: 1949 - 8/2/1949 Sort position: 2 Consists of 19 stamps: (See stamps as list) 8/2/1949 2c brn 8/2/1949 5c 8/2/1949 5c gray 8/2/1949 10c car 8/2/1949 15c grn 8/2/1949 15c grn 8/2/1949 25c 8/2/1949 30c bl 8/2/1949 40c redbrn 8/2/1949 45c 8/2/1949 50c dkbl 75c dkbl 90c grn 90c grn 1pts grayblk 1.35pts dkvio 2pts dkbrn 4pts rose 10pts redbrn Issues with this name: Albania, Andorra (Fr), Ascension, Australia, Burma, Canada, Szechwan, Tsingtau, Sinkiang, Cook Islands, Reunion, Berlin, British offices in Morocco, British currency, British offices in Tangier, Ifni, India, Gwalior, Trieste, Japan, Lebanon, Leeward Islands, Fezzan, Johore, Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Penang, Selangor, Trengganu, Nepal, Netherlands, Netherlands Indies, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal, Romania, RuandaUrundi, Russia, Ryukyu Islands, Saar, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, San Marino, Singapore, Switzerland, Syria |