Lighthouses and Seabirds 2018 issue of Mozambique

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Short desc: Lighthouses and Seabirds 2018

Issuer: Mozambique
Date: 4/15/2018
Sort position: 7

Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)

116.00MT d=Fregata magnificens; Ponce Inlet...
116.00MT d=Fulmarus glacialis; Point Atkinson...
116.00MT d=Uria aalge; Galtarviti Lighthouse, Iceland
116.00MT d=Sletringen Lighthouse & Fratercula arctica
300.00MT d=Thalassarche cauta; Slangkop...

All are dt=Lighthouses and Seabirds (2018) perf=13.25