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1944: Road to Victory issue of United States

  • Colnect-5088-342-Allied-forces-retake-New-Guinea.jpg
  • Colnect-5088-344-P-51s-Escorts-B-17s-on-bombing-raids.jpg
  • Colnect-5088-345-Troops-running-from-landing-craft-Allies-in-Normandy-D-Day.jpg
  • Colnect-5088-346-Airborne-units-spearhead-attacks.jpg
  • Colnect-5088-350-Officer-at-periscope-Submarines-shorten-war-in-Pacific.jpg
  • Colnect-5088-351-Parade-Allies-free-Rome-June-4--Paris-Aug-25.jpg
  • Colnect-5088-352-Soldier-firing-flamethrower-US-troops-clear-Saipan-bunkers.jpg
  • Colnect-5088-353-Red-Ball-Express-speeds-vital-supplies.jpg
  • Colnect-4229-981-Battleship-firing-main-battery-Battle-of-Leyte-Gulf-Oct-2.jpg
  • Colnect-5088-354-Soldiers-in-snow-Bastogne-and-Battle-of-the-Bulge-Dec.jpg


Short desc: 1944: Road to Victory

Issuer: United States
Date: 6/6/1994
Occasion: unset

Consists of 10 stamps: (See stamps as list)

29c d=Allied forces retake New Guinea, 1944 - soldiers in jungle
29c d=P-51s escort B-17s on bombing raids
29c d=Troops running from landing craft Allies in Normandy D-Day
29c d=Airborne units spearhead attacks - gliders & paratroopers
29c d=Officer at periscope Submarines shorten war in Pacific
29c d=Parade Allies free Rome June 4 Paris Aug 25
29c d=Soldier firing flamethrower US troops clear Saipan bunkers
29c d=Red Ball Express speeds vital supplies
29c d=Battle for Leyte Gulf, October 23-26, 1944 - battleship firing main battery
29c d=Bastogne and Battle of the Bulge, Dec. 1944 - soldiers in snow

All are dt=World War II (1991) perf=11