30th Anniversary of Orsay Museum issue of GuineaBissau

(No images available)
Short desc: 30th Anniversary of Orsay Museum

Issuer: GuineaBissau
Date: 3/17/2016
Occasion: Orsay Museum opening
Number/Year: 30

Consists of 6 stamps: (See stamps as list)

650fcfa d="Unmasked"
650fcfa d="Rolla"
650fcfa d="After the Bath, Woman Drying Her Neck"
650fcfa d="Olympia"
650fcfa d="The Birth of Venus"
3300fcfa d="The Source"

All are perf=13.5

Issues with this name: Djibouti, GuineaBissau, Maldive Islands, Niger, St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Sierra Leone