120th Anniversary of the Death of Ivan Shishkin issue of GuineaBissau

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Short desc: 120th Anniversary of the Death of Ivan Shishkin

Issuer: GuineaBissau
Date: 2/15/2018
Occasion: Ivan Shishkin / I.I. Shishkin death
Number/Year: 120

Consists of 6 stamps: (See stamps as list)

640FCFA d="Morning in a Pine Forest", 1889
640FCFA d="Rain in an Oak Forest", 1891
640FCFA d="Haystacks, Preobrazhenskoe", 1890
640FCFA d="A Walk in the Forest", 1869
640FCFA d="The Rocky Landscape", 1889
3300fcfa d="The Forest Brook", 1885

All are perf=13.5

Issues with this name: Central African Republic, GuineaBissau, Maldive Islands, Sierra Leone