100th Anniversary of the Death of Gustav Klimt issue of GuineaBissau

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Short desc: 100th Anniversary of the Death of Gustav Klimt

Issuer: GuineaBissau
Dates: 9/12/2018 - 10/15/2018
Sort position: 7
Occasion: Gustav Klimt death
Number/Year: 100

Consists of 13 stamps: (See stamps as list)

640FCFA d="The Tree of Life", 1909
640FCFA d="Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I", 1907
640FCFA d="Portrait of Eugenia Primaves", 1913
640FCFA d="Portrait of Baronesa Elisabeth Bachofen-Echt", 1914-1916
640FCFA d="The Kiss", 1907-1908
10/15/2018 640FCFA d="Minotaurs and Matadors", 1937
10/15/2018 640FCFA d="The Girls of Avignon", 1907
10/15/2018 640FCFA d="The Roofs of Barcelona", 1903
10/15/2018 640FCFA d="Houses on the Hill", 1909
10/15/2018 640FCFA d="Female Nude", 1908
1650FCFA d="The Tree of Life", 1909
1650FCFA d="Hygieia", 1900-1907
10/15/2018 3300fcfa d="Brick Factory at Tortosa", 1909

All are perf=13.5

Issues with this name: GuineaBissau, Liechtenstein, Maldive Islands, Mozambique, St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Sierra Leone, Togo