Birdpex 8 issue of Sierra Leone

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Short desc: Birdpex 8

Issuer: Sierra Leone
Date: 6/30/2017
Sort position: 20
Occasion: unset

Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)

9800le d=Prodotiscus insignis
9800le d=Gymnobucco peli
9800le d=Tockus hartlaubi
9800le d=Telacanthura melanopygia
40000Le d=Himantornis haematopus

All are dt=Rare Birds of Sierra Leone perf=13.25

Issues with this name: Aitutaki (2018), Cook Islands (2018), Djibouti, Maldive Islands, Penrhyn (2018), Sierra Leone, Togo, Tonga (2018), Niuafo'ou (2018)