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Marine Life of the Galapagos Islands b issue of Gambia

(No images available)
Short desc: Marine Life of the Galapagos Islands b

Issuer: Gambia
Date: 8/1/1999
Sort position: 6
Occasion: unset

Consists of 35 stamps: (See stamps as list)

1d d=Larus sp.
1.50d d=Creagrus furcatus
1.50d d=Physalia physalis
1.50d d=Spheniscus mendiculus (1999)
1.50d d=Sphaerechinus granularis (1999 Gambia)
1.50d d=Lethrinus sp.
1.50d d=Heniochus acuminatus
1.50d d=Manta sp.
1.50d d=Amblyrhynchus cristatus
1.50d d=Zalophus wollebaeki
1.50d d=Chelonia mydas (1999)
1.50d d=Dasyatis pastinaca
1.50d d=Acanthurus sp.
1.50d d=Lethrinus sp.
1.50d d=Tursiops truncatus
1.50d d=Sula dactylatra
1.50d d=Ardea herodias
1.50d d=Buteo galapagoensis
1.50d d=Sula sula (1999)
1.50d d=Fregata ariel
1.50d d=Globicephala melaena
3d d=Lysmata debelius
3d d=Chaetodon larvatus
3d d=Pachyseris sp.
3d d=Fromia ghardaqana
3d d=Synchiropus splendidus
3d d=Eretmochelys imbricata
3d d=Phyllopteryx eques
3d d=Holacanthus sp.
5d d=Odobenus rosmarus
10d d=Trichechus manatus (1999)
25d d=Delphinus delphis