Birds of Belize 2020 issue of Belize

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Short desc: Birds of Belize 2020

Issuer: Belize
Date: 4/29/2020

Consists of 14 stamps: (See stamps as list)

5c d=yellow-crowned night heron (2020)
10c d=Phalacrocorax auritus
15c d=Mycteria americana
25c d=Pteroglossus torquatus
30c d=Butorides virescens
40c d=Pyrocephalus obscurus
50c d=Pelecanus occidentalis
60c d=Setophaga petechia bryanti
75c d=Mimus gilvus
1$ d=Pyrocephalus obscurus
1.50$ d=Tyto alba
2$ d=great-tailed grackle
5$ d=Penelope purpurascens
10$ d=Rupornis magnirostris

All are dt=birds of Belize (2020)