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WWF issue of Seychelles

  • Colnect-6187-052-Seychelles-Frog-Sooglossus-seychellensis.jpg
  • Colnect-6187-049-Seychelles-Palm-Frog-Sooglossus-pipilodryas.jpg
  • Colnect-6187-048-Thomasset-s-Frog-Nesomantis-thomasseti.jpg
  • Colnect-6187-051-Gardiner-s-Frog-Sooglossus-gardineri-.jpg
  • SC005.03.jpg
Short desc: WWF

Issuer: Seychelles
Date: 2/3/2003
Occasion: WWF

Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)

1r d=Seychelles frog Sooglossus seychellensis
1r d=palm frog Sooglossus pipilodryas
1r d=Thomasset's frog
1r d=Gardiner's frog
20r d=Seychelles tree frog (2003)

All are dt=frogs (2003) wmk=crown & CA spiral

Issues with this name: Aitutaki (2002), Australia (2006), Australian Antarctic Territory (2007), Belize (1983), Botswana (2011), Christmas Island (2002), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (2005), Estonia (1994), Falkland Islands (1991), Alderney (1993), Liberia (2005), Nauru, Nigeria (2008), Madeira region (2002), Russia (2004), St. Helena (2002), Samoa (1978), Serbia (2004), Seychelles, Solomon Islands (2002), Tajikistan (2005), Thailand (2011), Ukraine (2002)