Short desc: Red Cross 100th
Issuer: Bulgaria
Date: 1/27/1964
Occasion: Red Cross founding
Number/Year: 100
Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)
1s lem&blk&red d=hemispheres & Red Cross flame
2s ultra&blk&red d=blood transfusion
3s d=Wound Binding
5s d=Red Cross nurse
13s d=Henri Dunant Founder of the Red Cross
All are perf=10.5
Issues with this name: Algeria (1963), Antigua (1963), Ascension (1963), Australia (1963), Austria (1963), Bahamas (1963), Basutoland (1963), Bechuanaland Protectorate (1963), Belgium (1959), Bermuda (1963), Brazil (1963), British Guiana (1963), British Honduras (1963), Bulgaria, Burundi (1963), Cayman Islands (1963), Chile (1963), China, ROC (1963), Colombia (1963), Democratic Republic of the Congo (1963), Cyprus (1963), Czechoslovakia (1963), Denmark (1959), Dominica (1963), Dominican Republic (1963), Dubai (1963), Ecuador (1963), Ethiopia (1959), Falkland Islands (1963), Fiji (1963), Gambia (1963), Germany (1963), German Democratic Republic (1963), Ghana (1963), Gibraltar (1963), Gilbert & Ellice Islands (1963), Great Britain (1963), Greece (1963), Grenada (1963), Guatemala (1960), Guinea (1963), Hong Kong (1963), Hungary (1963), Iceland (1963), India (1963), Indonesia (1963), Iraq (1963), Ireland (1963), Jamaica (1963), Japan (1963), Korea (1963), Laos (1963), Liechtenstein (1963), Luxembourg (1963), Madagascar (1963), Maldive Islands (1963), Mali (1963), Malta (1963), Mauritius (1963), Mexico (1963), Montserrat (1963), Morocco (1963), Netherlands (1963), New Hebrides (Br) (1963), Nigeria (1963), Pakistan (1963), Papua New Guinea (1963), Philippines (1963), Poland (1963), Russia (1963), Rwanda (1963), St. Helena (1963), St. KittsNevis (1963), St. Lucia (1963), St. Vincent (1963), Seychelles (1963), Sierra Leone (1963), Solomon Islands (1963), South Arabia (1963), Spain (1963), Sudan (1963), Swaziland (1963), Switzerland (1963), Thailand (1963), Tonga (1963), Tristan da Cunha, Turks & Caicos Islands (1963), United States (1963), Upper Volta (1963), Uruguay, Venezuela (1963), Virgin Islands (1963)